Leather sewing machines
We sell three models of sewing machine, which are all powered by hand. The basic model can be turned into a machine suitable for left- and right hand workers. For a comparison of the three models, check this overview.
If you decide to buy a sewing machine, you can choose to do so with or without a base plate. When buying a base plate you will also receive the required material to fasten the plate to the machine. Beside the base plate you will need a clamp to fasten the plate to your table/workbench.
When buying a leather sewing machine it is handy to consider buying the next three things as well:
- a getting-thread-through-needle shaft-hook (because the needle shaft is pretty long);
- lubricating oil to keep the moving parts run smoothly;
- a sewing needle thread (thread that's thicker is harder to get through the eye of the needle).
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